Consider leaving a gift in your Will – and together, we can change the world for millions of kids.

Leave a lasting legacy for kids

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This is just the beginning of something unforgettable, lasting and life-changing for kids. 

Consider leaving a gift in your Will. Create a future for every child.
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Limited time free will
offer with Public Trust

Making a plan for what happens after you pass is the best way to
help ensure that the people and things you love are looked after.

From now through September, you can you can go in person to Public Trust’s Kāpiti, New Plymouth or Tauranga customer centres and get a free Will in person with Public Trust’s experts. Simply book a UNICEF supporters appointment at one of these offices, and let their team know you would like to use the UNICEF Will offer.
You can book an appointment here or by calling 0800 371 471.

Once your loved ones are taken care of, we ask that you remember UNICEF in your Will.
Any gift, big or small, means we can continue our important work.

Why are Gifts in Wills so important to UNICEF?

Every day we see the impact of ongoing conflict, natural disasters, deadly diseases and poor education preventing kids from reaching their full potential.

When you leave a gift to UNICEF in your Will, you’re giving children a chance.

It comes in many forms – clean water during a drought, life-saving vaccines, nutritious food in a famine, and education during a conflict.

It’s a gift of long-term sustainable change, which can transform kids' lives and allow them to reach their full potential.

With UNICEF and you, together we can change the future for millions of kids. 

Free Wills

Haven’t written your Will yet? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. 

We’ve recently partnered with the folks at Footprint, New Zealand's largest online Will provider.

And for a limited time, we're offering a free online Will service as a way to say thank you to our generous supporters. 

Find out from some of our supporters why they chose to leave a gift in their will to UNICEF

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Write or update your Will

We recommend seeking legal advice when creating or updating your Will. Prepare as many details of your finances as possible before seeing your solicitor. It may also help to sit down with your family beforehand and decide how much you could realistically afford to give as a gift.

UNICEF Aotearoa has partnered with Footprint to help make the process as simple as possible. Footprint is New Zealand’s largest online Will provider and for a limited time we are offering a free online Will service (terms and conditions apply). It takes on average 15 minutes to write your Will and you can do so from the comfort of your own home.

There is no obligation to let us know, and you can change your mind at any time.

Write your Will for free 

Types of gifts

A residuary gift is the most effective way to leave a gift in your Will to UNICEF.

It’s the remainder after you have made provisions for your family and friends. A residuary gift also keeps up with inflation which means the gift will achieve as much in the future as it will now.

A percentage of your estate is the nominated portion or fixed percentage of your estate to UNICEF. A percentage gift also keeps up with inflation.

A pecuniary gift is a specific amount of money left for UNICEF. 

Suggested wording

I give and bequeath free or all duties and taxes,

  • The residue of my estate, or
  • XX% of my whole estate, or
  • XX% of the residue, or
  • The specific sum of $XX

    To leave a gift to UNICEF, you will need to include the following details in your Will when naming us as a beneficiary:
    The New Zealand National Committee for UNICEF
    Registered Charity No.CC35979
    Level 5, Technology One House, 86 Victoria Street, Wellington 6011

Let us know

If you decide to leave a gift in your Will to UNICEF Aotearoa, it’s important to let us know so that we can thank you personally for your commitment and keep you updated on our work for children.

Please let us know by contacting our dedicated Legacy Team at [email protected]

Your privacy will be fully respected, and any information you give us will remain confidential.

If you would prefer to speak to someone about leaving a gift in your will, we’re here to help. 

Our dedicated Legacy Team would be delighted to hear from you.

Call 0800 243 575 or email [email protected] 

I already have a Will and would like to update it to include UNICEF.
What happens if I don’t have a Will?
What happens if I change my mind?
Can I say where I want my gift to be used?
Can UNICEF help me write my Will?
I’ve already made a Will, do I have to make a new Will?
Can I leave my assets such as, property and shares to UNICEF?
Do I need to tell you I’ve included UNICEF in my Will?
A family member passed away and left a gift in their Will to UNICEF. What should I do?
Can my gift be confidential?

We’re committed to transparency. To see how we split up expenses and manage our costs, read our annual report or visit UNICEF Open to see a live overview of all our projects.

world map

UNICEF Aotearoa is a registered charity with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC35979), making you eligible for a tax refund of up to a third of your donation. All transactions are billed in New Zealand dollars.

UNICEF Aotearoa operates from Level 5, 86 Victoria Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand.